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Local Communities

Teaching Faith through Good Works

The community activities of many churches center on providing assistance to those in the area in need, and even children are included in the activities....


Local Communities

Hanging Out at the Neighborhood Church

Churches have been around for centuries, but modern transportation is relatively recent. Traveling more than a few miles to get to church was often a...


Local Communities

Church Activities During the Week

Schooling and after school care for children are just two of the activities churches hold during the week. Many have begun to open day care...


Local Communities

Religious Education for Children

Religious education is an important facet of any church. Children must be taught about the fundamentals of their religion to reinforce their beliefs. Being raised...


Many people think of churches as nothing more than houses of worship. While the main church building does have this function, it is often only a small part of what happens on church grounds. Through the centuries, churches have been a place where people have gathered for news, socialization and learning. They have been the main social outlet for many families. This is still true today. Modern churches often have gyms or community centres for non-worship activities.

Formal religious worship is normally held in the church on the Sabbath. This is the day when the majority of the congregation attends church. Most churches do have daily worship services, but they are not well attended. Rather than leave the church and other buildings empty, many churches have kept up a tradition of providing a variety of services for their congregation members during the rest of the week.